Wednesday 30 September 2015

Did Adam and Eve eat meat?

Adam and Eve could have eaten meat, however such a diet never once occurred to them. Firstly they would have needed to kill one of the animals, an action for which they had no desire to carry out. The slaughter of any creature that God had made for them was absolutely unthinkable. Secondly, the opportunity to cook an animal, which had naturally died, never presented itself because there was no death in the Garden of Eden. It is made abundantly clear in the Bible that the wages of sin is death, so without sin there was no pending death for Adam, Eve or any living creature. The original text for the word ‘living’ by the way is used in a different manner when describing living plants; again it is made quite clear that plant life could be eaten without involving the death of a creature. Plants are not creatures.

The evolutionary view of the origins of humans accepts that in the very beginning the last ape-human to first human transitions only held to vegetarianism. They never ate meat. The same is true for the first humans revealed in the Bible. Adam and Eve did not eat meat. It has also been established by contemporary biology that human beings are in fact naturally vegetarian. The earliest known diets of humans are suspected to have been fruit, nuts, vegetables and leaves. So not only did Adam and Eve have no need to eat meat, we don’t need to eat it either, how about that then! I really don’t fancy a vegetable barbeque though.

Adam did eventually go on to kill and sacrifice animals in an offering to God but this was after the eviction from the Garden. And even then, he never ate them. Whilst living in the Garden no animals were killed, this can be reasoned from Scriptural revelation that clearly states everything was perfect, so it would have been perfect for the animals too. Finally, Adam and Eve would have had no craving to even eat fish. I must reiterate again that there was no death in the Garden of Eden. No animals ate other animals; no fish ate other fish either. It seems to us, in the modern world, quite amazing that there could have been a land where there were no meat-eating animals around. Nevertheless, these are the facts presented to us as to what life was like within the Garden of Eden. The answer to the question as to whether Adam and Eve ate meat is a resounding no. This situation rippled out to all animal life of the time.

Adam and Eve had plenty of food though, so much in fact that they always had a full menu to choose from. There may even have been plants available in the Garden that produced meaty type fare. Yet we must remember that the appetites of Adam and Eve were unlikely to have been as ravenous as they are for people in today’s world. Nevertheless, as I was not there at the time, I have no idea whether Adam and Eve fancied fish and chips or a hamburger.

Did Adam and Eve really sit down with lions?

Adam and Eve would certainly have been in mortal danger if a lion even saw them at a distance. To try and sit down by a lion and then stroke said lion’s mane, as is portrayed in a lot of pictures, would have meant an easy dinner for the lion and a quick death for Adam and Eve. The problem in the Garden of Eden though, at least for a hungry lion, is that no death could occur. The lion also would have had no appetite for human meat or indeed for any meat. All animals, including lions were herbivores. In fact the Bible says that lions ate straw.

In the absence of death, all living creatures would have lived in harmony with each other. Whether or not Adam and Eve sat down with a lion is not the point. Scripture declares that the lamb could safely lay down beside a lion so for sure, Eve could have brushed the mane of a lion if she wanted.

Evolutionary models within the secular view of our origins do cite changes within the structures of teeth but they do not go as far as to say that predatory cats had teeth more suited to grinding plants, although some ideas are out there. The difference between evolution and biblical accounts is that evolution will detail the improvements made within species, such as a lion being able to kill prey more efficiently over time. Scripture says the direct opposite, which specifies that all animals (along with mankind) be subject to degeneration, so the lion for example deteriorated within the scheme of life. It is worsening of the harmony originally made by God for life on Earth when a creature changes from herbivore to carnivore. The Bible teaches a kind of reverse evolution.

We know Lions did eventually go on to kill and eat meat, however this was at a much later time, far away from the Original Garden.

We should also note that people have been close to lions and tigers in this day and age, either through training but often through a developed closeness arising from nurturing a big cat from its days as a cub. Whilst a lion may not be fussed about making a friendship with a human, it has been known to happen. How much more so then in the Garden, where no meat was eaten and where there was a far higher degree of intellect stemming from lions. Remember that the Bible teaches evolution in reverse, so lions have become dimmer, as has man.

Nevertheless, as I was not there at the time, I have no idea whether Eve cuddled a lion or whether Adam rode one about the perfect fields.

Friday 5 June 2015

Health & Weight Loss

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Welcome To AlphaCreation Extra

The Bible encourages us to believe an all-powerful God Created everything and all within a pretty rapid, neat succession of events. This is clearly at odds with the principle of the Universe exploding onto the scene through a Big Bang event, with the Earth accidentally being formed 4.6 billion years ago. So are we here because of the Big Bang or because of God? Was all life created ready-made or did life emerge and advance through the processes of evolution.

No wonder there are plenty of books available discussing Bible difficulties. In addition, if you go to the library and browse through the section dedicated to the origins of our universe, it is extremely unlikely you will come across books about God or Divine Creation or indeed the Bible itself. This blog is designed to help with the concept of a Creative God and to assist in understanding the pages of Genesis.

The site is for anyone who is interested in our origins and our cosmos, although designed from a Christian perspective its good also for those of any or no religious outlook. Please click on the Twitter link for quicker additional info or alternatively click on the Facebook link (remembering to 'like' the page when you visit, please).

Thank you and God Bless you,


Monday 10 September 2012

What Universe?

It is incredible how some theories grip the imagination and take on the substance of being factual truths. Without delving into evolution just now, we have some amazing hypothetical pictures being drawn about the Universe that are almost being taken on board as fact and indeed in a frightfully hurried way these new 'facts' are being accepted practically overnight.

The reasons for this malaise is because we cannot get to grips with the data being fed through to us by our computers concerning the great cosmos surrounding us. As the Universe is mostly empty space, we 'invent' Dark Matter, Dark Energy and the idea of multiple universes cascading like bubbles throughout an eternal plane to fulfill our desires to make sense of how our Universe formed. And in the field of theoretical virtual particles we look for the famous smallest piece of matter possible - the Higgs Boson and then, when found, prompty decide that there must be matter smaller than this.

It is too easy to just stop research and decide that God made everything, we are enquiring beings who wish to have answers. But if only we input God into all our equations, then we may get real answers. As we have been told, "Ask and it shall be given to you". We don't ask!

Personally I like the idea of the Universe being like a big doughnut!

Saturday 14 July 2012

The Bible

The Bible is incredible, truly a Book meant for Holiness, a Book written by humans but above humans. It covers a period probably spanning around 1600-1700 years. Detached and separate writings (on the whole) sixty-six accounts, which all mould together to reveal a pattern and a purpose that the individual writers could not have comprehended, enlightening society from a comprehensive perspective undetected by any one author from a list of forty. The Bible is, as far as I am aware, completely without contradiction. Atheists dream up and point out many inconsistencies but they all flounder under examination. Remember that this inspired Book was written over three different continents under the express remit that it has to be read with the Spirit of God in order to grasp the enormity of it. It is Scripture God-Breathed and is a clear cohesive revelation of our standing within this Universe.


Tuesday 3 July 2012

Atheists Love To 'Believe'

An article by space scientist Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock in the Daily Mirror on 2nd July 2012, discussed the question about there being other intelligent life-forms somewhere out in the galaxy. The conclusion was that there are four other extra-terrestrial races in our Milky Way.

The commentary further explored how life may have spontaneously arose on Earth, using various theoretical musings to qualify the writers imaginings. Although the article was short, it was clear enough to once again expose how origin theories and ideas on alien creatures are always written in a style that elevates hypothesis into the realm of assumed fact.

To my knowledge, the author here has not set foot off of this planet, let alone toured the galaxy. Neither was she around at the beginning of life on Earth. Yet she writes with a conviction of surety that is utterly bereft of proof. The article is really just a simple ramble about her beliefs. Nothing wrong in that of course but if a Christian wrote an article using the same vocabulary of surety in that God Created all things within six literal days, I do doubt that it would even be put into print, certainly not plastered over the 'Voice Of The Daily Mirror' page.